God literally gave me scenes to write and sometimes before I could finish one scene, He gave me two more. I could barely keep up. The words poured out of me, through me really, and the whole process has been quite an amazing and spiritual adventure. I will never forget this time in my life and I’m so grateful to God for being with me and for all of the synchronicities and supernatural confirmations He gave me throughout this process. People, God IS real!!
My heart is full and my love for each of you grows. Love Love Love!
[When Browsing the Internet for likenesses of Jesus, I came across this lovely Christian artist, Debbie Clark. I love her work. This work is called. "The Lord is Near." Click on the picture to see more of her delightful pieces.]
I didn’t really write these books. I cannot and do not take credit for them. The Lord wrote them using me and all glory to HIm who once was, is and always will be. I was literally shown the scenes to write during the night as I slept and then given confirmations during the day that I interpreted correctly and am still on the correct path. The rewriting of the series, books 1-8, and writing of these new novels has been the most rewarding and satisfying and spiritual experience of my life and I am so grateful every single day that Jesus has shown Himself to me.
Only a few people thus far have made it all the way through the series to the 9th book. Here is what they have to say about it:
Like every other book in the series, # 9 is amazing!! The storyline & characters are equally captivating! I find myself grieving their grievances & rejoicing in their triumphs, as if they were my own family because the character development is superb.
The Kino family & everyone in their circle provide a beautiful example of physical, spiritual, & emotional strength! McCartney Green uses her God-given wisdom to provide guidance of how to live a life that brings honor to Him. Whether you’re leading your family & raising children or navigating adolescence, there is something to be learned from this book. I highly recommend this book to teenage boys and girls. There’s no doubt that everyone can benefit from it!
~Mary Clements~
Five stars! Witty and beautiful. Great secondary characters and you absolutely fall in love with the leads. Heart pounding scenarios that drag you into nail biting moments. Subtle process of learning and growing. Characters are so real, the reader feels the emotional connection and becomes totally invested in the hopes and dreams of the characters. Totally recommend this book for young adults on. The book promotes Christian values and teaches lessons through allegorical dramas; true to life people as we observe their interactions with God. There are layers of insight and understanding. Morals taught in a way that make you want to do God’s will. Extremely motivating and inspirational. This novel glorifies God.
~Eryn Clements~
This book is just so darn intriguing and fascinating! It's not just about Christian values; it's about dealing with life's curveballs while staying true to your faith. The characters feel like real friends and I sometimes forget they're not real people! The author really nails the ups and downs of just simply being a human. It's like a roller coaster of complexity and excitement, but at the end of the day, it leaves you with these nuggets of wisdom you can carry with you throughout your life. I'd recommend this book to anyone, especially if you're a Christian trying to figure out why life isn't always a walk in the park. It's all about staying faithful to Gods truths when things get tough. Whether you're dealing with big stuff or just life's little annoyances, this book helps you see how Gods providence is always reigning over you.
~Kelstyn Weir~