The Book Summaries are below.
First, I thought I would share the Word I received from Jesus.
If' you've already read it on another page, please scroll on down!
These Books are Manuals - They are how God would have us live now and in His Kingdom
A Word I received from Jesus:
These books that are manuals are for several groups of people; those who are dead in Christ, those who have been “Raptured,” and those “Tribulation Saints” who have been left behind. In other words, all those who have or will eventually make it to the Kingdom, one way or another.
Jesus spoke and confirmed: Yes, there will be a rapture. Remember I have given you several confirmations.
[Yes, that is true. He has given me several amazing, supernatural confirmations, which I might share with you one day.]
The Word continued:
As I told you before, these books are manuals. They are not fiction books written for entertainment. They are parables and allegory as to how God's children need to live, either while waiting for the Rapture of the church, or still on the Earth waiting for the Second coming of Christ, or are currently with the Father in His kingdom.
Do not think that we will all be in “heaven” lying around doing nothing. Does that sound Godly? There is a plan for you all. You’ve heard it said many times that God has a plan for you. That plan is not just for when you are humans on this earth. That plan continues. He has a plan for you once you are with Him in his kingdom.
You will not be simply lounging around playing harps and singing praises. There will be so much more that WE have to do. There is a way that the Father wants us to live in His kingdom, and THAT is what these manuals are for. It might seem that they are just entertaining stories, but you have NOT been created for, or are in this plan, or are on the earth to sit around and be entertained. These manuals were given in order to teach and educate the children of God as to how He wants you to live when you are with Him on the New Earth. That is why I did something as grand as send an angel to speak to you.
At first these books may seem like they are simply nice stories, entertaining and action-packed. In actuality, these books are like a college course in Godly living. You will really get to the meat of the matter when you get to books #9, #10, #11, #12, and #13. That is where everything comes together. However, books #1 through #8 are essential to truly grasping and appreciating what happens in the rest of the series.
If compared to a college course of studies, Books #1-#3 are like Godly Living 101, a freshman course. They are the base.
Next, Books #4-#6 are like the sophomore year. They add to the base but you are not at the pinnacle yet.
Junior year, Books #7-#8 and the prequel, Messages from God, is really starting to develop an understanding in what God is teaching.
Book #9 is the beginning of your senior year. Books #10 and #11 are Final Exam. You graduate!
And then... #12 and #13 you have started on your Master’s program.
Bottom line:
Whether you’re waiting for the rapture, if you’ve already been raptured, or if you’re left behind and going through the tribulation, or are witnessing the Second Coming of Christ, or if you have finally made it to be together on the New Earth with the New Jerusalem, these manuals must be read and studied and implemented into your life. If you have already read these manuals before the rapture, then you are that much further ahead and can move on quickly. Studying these books is not a hard thing we've been asked to do. Like was said earlier, they are not written for your entertainment, however, they are extremely entertaining. They are action-packed, they have humor, and mostly they have many deep, God-given principles. They show us how we, as contemporary people, can implement the Biblical principles into our lives.
They are how God would have us live now and in the future.
You must be patient and diligent. Read books 1-8 quickly so that you can get to the meat of the matter in 9-13. By the time you get through book #9, you will nod your head in understanding and you will be hungry for more. Books 10-13 do not disappoint. You will begin to be filled with the Spirit every time you read. You will find yourself thinking about God pretty much every minute of the day and your testimony will grow by leaps and bounds. "As I wrote these books, God spoke to me daily. I was so filled with His love and His spirit. I have learned so much and grown so much. I am so grateful for the calling, for the task Jesus placed on me, and though I believe myself to be totally unworthy, I will keep walking the path set for me, no matter how difficult. My heart yearns to be in HIs presence.
Another note: Young people, teens and twenties... consume the words in these books. Gobble them up quickly. There are great lessons in these books especially for you. When you get to #9 -#13 and meet Gabe, young Eric, JoJo, Logan, Jordan, Taylor, Melody, Melaynah, Jake, the Tanner girls, Charlie, Matthew, Hannah, and finally, Raylynn and Kaylee, you will understand that God has a great calling for you. We are His warriors. You are His young, strong warriors sent to earth for this particular time. Heed the calling!
The Books
In Jesus' Name Series
DND #1 A Healing - In Jesus' Name
First, in these books you will see that being strong, smart, honorable, masculine men, is not toxic, but it is a God-given quality, AND that being a strong, smart feminine, lovely woman as a companion to a man, and being a mother is a special calling indeed. You will also see that......
God has a plan. When Shelley, a young mother, is surprised by a random act of violence, her life turns into a prison of fear for which she cannot find the key. Yet when she takes one small step to help herself, God's plan begins to unfold.
Eric has known God since he was a small boy trapped in a cave where he was visited by an angelic messenger. His life is dedicated to serving God, so when he begins having dreams about a woman in peril he sets out to search for her. However, when he finds her, things do not go as he planned.
Evil asserts itself, causing extensive damage, yet miraculously, that evil is the catalyst for unlocking the door to Shelley's prison. God does indeed work in mysterious ways.
This is a Christian novel, but it is no fluffy Hallmark romance. This story, and subsequent stories in the series are about real, gritty, issues, the evil that people face in this world, and how Psalm 18:4-6 is real and true:
“The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.”
DND#2 Suffer the Children-In Jesus’ Name....
[Now with FULL COLOR pics of characters!]
Introduces new characters, but eventually all the people in this world will come together.
Twelve-year-old Caroline found a true friend when she found Toby. Even as a young teen, he recognizes the signs of abuse. For a brief moment in time he becomes Caro’s knight in shining armor. Caroline begs Toby to keep her secret and he swears he will, until they are torn apart by circumstances beyond their control.
Fifteen years later, Caro believes she has put her past behind her. Now a southern girl struggling to survive in the New York jungle, she steadfastly makes her way through each day, dealing with life’s problems, which includes her lowlife landlord. Caro doesn’t know God, but He knows her. She deals with her problems the same way she deals with everything, without complaint, straightforward, one foot in front of the other. Unfortunately, Caroline discovers she has not put her past behind her. But God has a plan.
Country music’s most eligible bachelor, Toby Nash, doesn’t even realized he’s stopped believing in love, at least not the kind written about by poets. And then, he runs into his old childhood friend in the most unlikely of places. Stunned to find the girl who’s haunted him for fifteen years, he realizes why he’s never found love.
Vanquishing both old and new demons together, they learn about life, about sacrifice, about survival and eventually learn to believe in love again. Through the trials they face, and the mistakes they make, they learn that God indeed has a plan.
Author’s Note: #2 in the DND series covers many issues including child abuse, rape, alcoholism, incest and mental illness. My intention is not to dwell on these negative things but to help those who have been touched by these things by pulling them out of hiding, shining a light to expose them, and hopefully bring the injured parties closer to God through His healing light. My intention is to remind everyone that real love does exist. It is beautiful and it is possible, for we can “do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.”
“When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:25-26
DND#3 Finding Home - In Jesus’ Name
Stunned by her own mother’s unbelievable betrayal, Lisa Lewis, begins a mad dash across the country searching for a home she's never known. Near the end of her long journey, on a lonely country road, she brazenly walks right into the middle of Chaz Stewart's cattle crossing and changes both of their lives forever.
Chaz Stewart, military veteran and ex-paramedic for the county, lives in a world of hurt and pain. He helps run the family ranch, forcing himself to deal with life the best he can. And then, he comes across a fiery, red-head in need of being rescued. But does he rescue her, or does she rescue him? God is so amazing.
Lisa has never known a real home, or family, or even understood how most people live and interact with each other. And she has definitely not known God. Chaz, who grew up going to church every Sunday and Wednesday night, who’s loving family has been there for him every step of the way, cannot find his way out of the darkness.
In the small town of Pine Forest, Lisa experiences the wonders of home and family for the first time in her life. But somebody isn't quite so happy about her arrival. What begins as dangerous pranks turns quickly into life and death struggles and Lisa learns that real families stick together through thick and thin. More importantly, her discovery that God is real leads Chaz out of the darkness and into the light.
Proverbs 3:33
"The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked,
But He blesses the dwelling of the righteous."
DND #4 Weeds Grow - In Jesus’ Name
Martial arts superstar, Ricky Kino, is unhappy with his "playboy" style of life. He makes three decisions: Get back to God, get back to his foundations, and to go after what (and whom) he really wants. Coincidentally, the moment he gets home, strange things begin to happen, things that begin to tear the Kino family apart. But God’s timing is perfect.
A phantom from the past asserts himself into the Kino family, intent on destruction. Seeds are planted and weeds grow rampant, trying to break apart and destroy the firm Kino foundation. Ricky must step in and take control in order to save his family and protect those he loves most in the world.
Welcome back to the Kino family. This one is a fun and wild ride that will motivate and inspire everyone. Discover how facing trials and tribulations can either destroy us, or make us powerful. How we choose to handle what God presents us with will determine the outcome. We can be God’s warriors. God is with us.
“Weeds Grow rocks. First, I love the way Eric’s and Shelley’s story continues to grow. Ricky is definitely all grown up and more devastating than ever. So many twists and turns all over the place I feel as if I’m in a high speed car chase. Loved this one!”
~Eryn Clements~
“After finishing the fourth McCartney Green novel, I still can't get enough. The characters have touched my heart. I feel as if I have lived the events right along with them. Everything is so real. McCartney, you are amazing!”
~Amy Goulding~
DND #5 Angels - In Jesus’ Name
Special Agent Keegan Tanner is racing to turn in the evidence he’s gathered while working undercover investigating a ruthless child-trafficking organization. When his cover is blown, he barely escapes with his life. Desperate to save the next batch of children slated for shipment, he speeds toward the field office, but a freak accident brings his plan to an abrupt halt.
Agent Tanner wakes to find himself in a small country home under the care of angelic nurse and widow, Lizzy Anderson. Though intrigued by his nurse, he is livid when his superior orders him to stay put, for he knows his presence in the Anderson home puts the beautiful Lizzy in grave danger. Incapacitated, he wonders if he will be ready to serve and protect when that danger comes calling.
One would think Lizzy’s sweet, calm demeanor would be no match for Keegan’s tough, gruff persona, but she has God on her side. Soon Keegan will surrender to the powers that be, and not a moment too late. They both will learn that God does indeed work in mysterious ways, and that He chooses his warriors not because of their actions, but because He knows their hearts.
“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Luke 15:10
“Just finished Angels...oh, my goodness!! From the moment you start to the end it's non-stop action, romance and love. I am in love with the characters. It’s as if I really know them. Keegan stirs it up, and Lizzy is so sweet and yet so strong. I didn't put it down from the moment I began to read because I simply couldn’t. Can’t wait for the next installment from McCartney Green. It feels like the movie is over too soon. I'm just a regular woman, single mommy of three, love my job teaching personal fitness and LOVE engaging dramatic stories with lots of action that teach about God! Keep on keeping on MG. You’re a great writer. You have true fans that are holding their breath until each novel is complete and we can read them.”
~Eryn Clements~
“McCartney Green, you made me cry. Angels is awesome! It's so hard to put down. Keegan Tanner is a hunk! The end was terrifying and the epilogue was wonderful! I love how you brought everyone together. People who haven’t read any of the other books get a little taste of what the characters are like. You really are genius at this. The world you create is so real to me. Thank you. I absolutely love Angels!”
~Amy Goulding~
DND#6 The Worth of Souls - In Jesus’ Name
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.”
Romans 12:17-19
When kidnap victim MacKenzie Daley realizes there’s a possibility that her ransom will not be paid she begins to understand how expendable she is. She feels worthless, and very much alone. But God has a plan.
When that plan brings her together with vacationing Ameritech agent, Jeff Davis, she learns the terrifying truth. Yet she also learns that the truth can set her free. When her past catches up to her, will Jeff’s struggles to protect her be in vain?
Jeff’s assignment has him teaming up with the Kino family to figure out how to bring the entire mess to a satisfactory conclusion. One thing they confirm is that God loves every single one of his children and every soul is valuable in His eyes.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? or what shall a man
give in exchange for his soul?”
Matthew 16:26
The chemistry between Mickey and Jeff is amazing. As usual, the men in McCartney's books are of supreme quality and the villains villainous. The bad guy in The Worth of Souls is about as sick as they come and I love to hate him. I couldn't put the book down. I loved, I laughed, I cried, I gripped the edge of my seat. McCartney ROCK!!
~Karen Wallace~ Georgia
“The Worth of Souls is my favorite so far It was surprising how quickly I fell in love with Jeff. He is irresistible. McCartney feeds the addiction and as usual, I find I’m unable to put the book down. Romance combined with adventure... there are so many twists that shock you! McCartney is such an inspirational writer. Every time I finish one of her books I feel ready to take on the world!
~Kayla Parker~ Georgia
McCartney has done it again, another page turner, great story. We get to visit characters we already feel are our friends, (or we would like to be our friends...who wouldn't want to be embraced by the Kino family?), and meet new ones to bring into the fold.
~Denese Straughn~ Pennsylvania
DND #7 Warriors - In Jesus’ Name
"But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten." Jeremiah 20:11
Mark and Joey Adams, sons of Shelley Kino and stepsons of Grandmaster Eric Kino, have grown up and are taking the world by storm. Both men of God, both strong and striving to do God’s will. Mark, a fledgling attorney and part-time martial arts instructor for the Kino schools, and Joey, Ameritech Security’s top agent, usually end up doing everything together, so it’s no surprise when they become interested in sisters. It’s also no surprise that their relationships throw them into a world of intrigue and violence. Their training under the Kino umbrella comes in handy as they come face to face with the dark secrets that threaten to destroy those they love. Though we don’t always understand God’s plan, we can rest assured that He is still working like He did back in Biblical times.
“I wondered how McCartney was going to fit both brothers into one book adequately. I should never have doubted her. She hits, once again, on some sensitive subjects and also teaches us that not everything is black and white all the while entertaining me with action-packed suspense. Loved it! Wow!”
~Kristel Carey~
“Amazing! I couldn't put it down. It's impressive the way McCartney pulled me in. The moment I started reading she took me into another world, one that isn't perfect. Yet we learn that love and family can overcome even the worst obstacles. I love the characters and McCartney takes you to the edge of reason as they try to decide whether to cross those fine lines of morality. I absolutely enjoyed every minute of this story!”
~Sandra Lindsey~
DND #8 June Flower - In Jesus’ Name
This book was supposed to be the 8th and final installment of The In Jesus’ Name Series, a gritty, action-packed, Christian allegorical Drama series. But God had other plans. After the plandemic, I woke after almost three months in a coma where I'd been accompanied by an angel, and I was given number nine in a vision. So, DND #9 The Circle of Life-In Jesus’ Name came into being!
In #8 June Flower-In Jesus’ Name:
Eric and Shelley's Kino’s daughter, Nobel prize winner, Dr. June Flower Kino, is on the verge of changing the course of humanity when she discovers a consistent baseline for curing every disease.
To others, it seems the psychic high genius daughter of the renowned Kino family has everything going for her, but she knows differently for she never recovered from having had her heart broken five years earlier. Though it seems having thrown herself into her work was bringing big rewards, not just for her but for the entire world, maybe her results are a little too successful.
Powerful companies run by greedy men, have decided they like things just the way they are and if they can’t put a stop to Dr. Kino’s work, well then they will simply put an end to her life, for curing all diseases would certainly topple the world’s economy.
In her darkest hour, June Flower is stunned when a man in a camo t-shirt steps out to block her path and drags her into the jungle. When she discovers he’s been sent to protect her, her world is turned upside down and then her bruised heart finally begins to heal.
The entire cast of characters from the previous 8 books gather to celebrate the warriors of the Kino dynasty. But God lets them know He is not through with them.

After Book #8 is a great time to read this book. It is a short but ultra important part of the In Jesus’ Name series. It is the Prequel that tells of Eric's Calling: Learn what miraculous event takes place for Eric senior when he is a boy of ten on the island of Kauai that brings him such clarity, such wisdom, and makes him the man he is today.
The prequel to the DND in Jesus' Name Series is an allegory about my coming to the awareness that not only does God exist, but Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, the One, the Messiah. He is real. They are real. Really real. I’ve had an angel appear to me, I’ve audibly heard the voice of God, I’ve had many supernatural confirmations. I can no longer deny. I must proclaim His message.
The road has been long and somewhat painful but I am grateful for every single inch of it. After having written eight full-length novels and six spiritual self-help type books, I thought I was done with writing. But God has spoken to me again, and because I want to do His will, I have finally come to rewrite this book and the others the way He has directed me.
For years now the Lord has been whispering to me to pick up my computer, and do what I've been called to do. I kept putting it off. So many excuses. And then Covid came and took my awesome loving husband...took him back to be with his Father. I too had Covid and was in a coma for almost three months. I didn't know my husband had passed. While I was in that coma, another angel came to visit me. A different one then the one mentioned above. The angel showed me many things, including what to do to heal. Once I woke up and began to heal, God put it on my heart that I now have no excuse. Get to work.
Father, I ask for blessings and healing for each and every person who reads this book. I pray you will heal bodies, minds, emotions, relationships, circumstances, addictions. I ask Father, for anyone who reads these words, that You will answer their questions, and show them, as You have shown me, that You ARE real! I plead the blood of Jesus over all of these things, Father, and do so in the mighty and powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
DND #9 Circle of Life - In Jesus' Name
First, God gave me a vision. It was like a scene from a movie. I could see clearly what was happening. Heard clearly who was speaking and what they were saying. I woke up in tears. “Write this,” God said. It was a new novel He asked me to write, Book # 9. But I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. It wasn’t because I’d never had any intentions to add to the series, though that is true, I never intended to do that. It was because what He asked me to write was just too hard, too sad, too heart-wrenching. How could I write that? I didn’t understand why God would ask me to write that scene.
I cried over this for days. My son saw me sitting in the living room crying and tried to comfort me. When I told him what I was crying about, he sighed and said, “Well, if God is telling you to do this, are you really going to flat out refuse?” Hmm, I thought.... no, of course not.
So, that night, I prayed, sobbing to the Lord. I told Him how difficult this was for me. I asked for forgiveness for my trying to turn from this hard task. Then I told Him that I would write what He asked, but I asked Him to help me deal with the pain. Could He please make it easier for me, take away the anguish I was feeling. Still, I told Him, no matter what, I would be obedient and write it.
That night God made it easier by giving me a new scene. He showed me a beautiful red-headed girl in handcuffs, sitting on a bench outside of a restaurant, with a police officer standing next to her. Just a little ways away, there stood a young man wearing military fatigues, his face all scratched up, his canvas duffel at his feet, and another police officer speaking to him. The scene woke me up and I sat straight up in bed and heard– “Okay, now— write.”
I smiled. This I could write. I knew exactly who the characters were. What was happening in the scene was up to me. It was like God had given me an improv. Here’s the scene, now go. This is how DND #9 Circle of Life-In Jesus's Name came to be. You will recognize the scene when you get to it in Chapter Two. God is so awesome. I knew eventually I would have to get around, or come around, to the first scene God had shown me and told me to write; the one that was so heartbreaking. He was doing it again, taking me all the way around the giant circle to eventually end up back at the beginning, to bring me back to Him, and to, at the same time, bring all the readers with me. How amazing is He? I love Him so much. Almost each and every day, as I wrote, I was given confirmations, miraculous confirmations, several of these I would share with my children, because I knew it would help their testimonies to grow.
Now, I’ve finally finished the writing of this book, this allegory, this — happening. I hope you do much more than enjoy it. Though it is entertaining, it was not written for your entertainment, for we are not here on this Earth to be entertained. As I wrote and re-wrote these books, I realized God was giving us, through story, through allegory, through parable, an illustration of how to live, how to draw close to Him, and mostly, how to train to be His warriors in these last days. They are a blueprint. They show us how to take His Bible, His Word, His commandments and implement them and integrate them into our daily, stressed out, trauma-ridden lives. We are surrounded with much violence, darkness, evil in this world, but He has overcome the world.
Learn how to be the best husband, the best wife, the best teen, the best kid, the best friend, the best sibling, the best parent, the best person. Heal and receive blessings. Learn how to be God’s warrior, and be blessed to know His true will for you. The books are also encoded, (Jesus’ doing, not mine,) with healing words and prayers for any ailment, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
If you've read the other eight books, (and the prequel too I hope,) you will love revisiting these amazing people, these amazing families, and see the amazing things their children are creating as they strive to do God's will.

DND #10 Circle of Life Part II
The Saga continues. This book, #10, is Part 2 to #9 Circle of Life In Jesus’ Name and picks up right where #9 leaves off.
Young Eric finds that God has a plan even for him. He is being honed in the fire. How could he know that the fire was fueled by a beautiful, innocent, college softball player?
Can young Eric overcome his fears and emerge victorious?
And of course, we check in on everyone, both west coast and east coast families. Gabe and Taylor continue on their journey. They will discover just how strong is their bond.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
~ 1 Corinthians 10:13 ~
“Our families, our loved ones, are a stewardship. God is trusting us to serve Him by serving them. So be the best husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin that you can be. Fill your heart with love and compassion and steadfastness, and discard bitterness and jealousy. And remember forgiveness. Because we all make mistakes.”
~Grandmaster Eric Kino~

DND #11 Circle of Life Part III
The Lord continued to pour out his love and wisdom on me, His lowly servant, and so Book #11, Circle of Life In Jesus’ Name Part III picks up at the press conference, just a few hours after #10 leaves off. What happens after that? Well, some crazy stuff happens.
We will continue to follow both the “west coast family” and the “east coast family” as they strive to live Godly lives. Sometimes succeeding. Sometimes falling down. But always getting back up and back on the right path.
Rose Anderson opens the new Gabe Tanner Community Center. A stranger comes into town who will have a huge impact on the town of Pine Forest. Young Eric and his father meet a couple in desperate need of help, in need of family and in need of God.
New love blooms on both coasts. More importantly, we get a front row seat as Jesus makes a way.
Colossians 3:23-24
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

#12 Feed My Sheep in Jesus’ Name
The Kinos and Adams families head east to Pine Forest, Georgia to help with a giant undertaking. The entire world is watching to see how these prominent Christian families seek to feed a goal of five thousand people on Thanksgiving Day.
They want to not only feed them in many ways, physically, spiritually, emotionally, but they seek to minister to them in every way: Feeding, healing, and bringing them to the realization that God is real and He hears us, He sees us, and He answers our prayers.
However, the dark forces of this world, try very hard to put out the bright light that is shining in Pine Forest. Watch (Read) as God’s saints overcome and shine even brighter.
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe them,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:6-8

#13 For Unto Us - In Jesus’ Name
The Kinos and Adams return to Cali and embark on a remarkable challenge. They pray everyday for God to put in their path however they can serve Him. God puts a gigantic project in their path and they charge at it full speed ahead.
Grandmaster Kino also finds that he is not the only one who had been called, just as he suspected.
We find that Logan and Melody have to face some pretty daunting challenges themselves and maybe JoJo has found his calling and also found someone special?
Meanwhile, Grandmaster Kino seeks to school the world on how best to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 1:14