Living Right Brings True Joy and Love
When 18 year-old Melody’s parents visited her in the hospital after a man had pushed her into a trunk and tried to take her out of state.
“Did they get him?” Melody asked her father.
“Yes, they did,” David said. “But I haven’t heard any details yet. I know they arrested him right after Agent Brown handed you off to the paramedics. That’s all I know.”
“Thank goodness Agent Brown heard you screaming inside that trunk,” Carol said. “My sweet girl, you must have been terrified.”
“I was, but really what I was afraid of was never seeing my family or Logan again.”
“You’re really close to Logan, huh, sweetie?” Carol asked.
“Oh, Mom, I love him so much.”
Her father frowned. “You’ve only known him less than two months. Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be in love with him?” David asked.
Melody giggled. “Yes. But I am in love with him. I really am.”
“Well, let’s take some time to talk about this later,” David said. “Right now, sweetheart, I’m just very grateful that you’re alive and well.”
Melody nodded. “Me too. Jeffy said it was a miracle. She said one minute I was in need of brain surgery and the next, I was sitting up, talking, like normal.”
“Thank you, Jesus,” Carol whispered. “I’m so thankful.”
“Me too,” David said. “While we were in the waiting room, I was thinking that two of my three children have had serious head injuries in the past two months and I was worrying and wondering what Lyle might have coming.”
“Don’t borrow trouble, honey,” Carol said.
“Are the boys here?” Melody asked.
“Yes. They’ve been very worried about you,” David said with a nod.
Carol smiled. “They’ve grown up so much. Ya know, it seems our whole family has changed.”
“What do you mean, Mom?”
“I can’t really explain it. But just the way we are with each other. The way we seem closer and more loving toward each other. It makes me very happy actually. Maybe it was because of us going out to give out the backpacks to the homeless, or just simply going to church together.”
Melody smiled. She knew what the difference was. They had changed and she had changed and it was because of the Kinos and Adams families. They set such a good example of how God’s children should live. The cool thing is, when you start living how Jesus would have you live, you start feeling Him, feeling His spirit, hearing His voice, seeing things from His perspective, and it starts changing your life. First in little ways, and then suddenly, you realize, you feel different. You feel joyful. And you only want to get closer and closer to God. And how do you do that? By praying and keeping His commandments and serving others. “Love one another as I have loved you.” Melody sighed. She was so blessed.
Excerpt from #13 For Unto Us - In Jesus’ Name
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