Nineteen-year-old Jordan Brooks is devastated to learn that her would-be rapist step-father has decided to target her younger sister and brother and possibly harm them. He was their natural father and she just couldn’t wrap her mind around it.
Young Eric knelt in front of Jordan and looked up into her face. “Hey, baby, it’s gonna be okay.”
Jordan sighed. “Why is he doing this? I mean, I know I said it before that he’s like, gone full criminal. I mean, he was once a good man, I think. He was responsible, he went to work, he was good to my mom. At least he was for a while. And I watched him with the kids, especially with Jamie. He played with them and laughed with them.”
“But not you?” young Eric asked.
She shrugged. “I didn’t expect him to. I wasn’t his. But then everything changed when he lost his job. Everything about him changed. I don’t understand.”
Grandmaster Kino nodded. “I know it’s hard to understand. And as much as we want to hate this guy, we have to see it from God’s perspective. Look at it as a battle between dark and light. He was not a bad guy until he lost his job. And you said, after he lost his job, he started drinking heavily, right?”
“Yeah. Oh, I mean, yes sir. That’s when things got bad.”
“His drinking put a crack in the armor of what might have once been a good man. You get that crack in your armor and the dark forces, the demons, Satan’s minions, they start in. It’s just a whisper at first. They whisper to him, then they attach themselves to him. Now, when you, a being of light, one of God’s own children, come around, the demons tell him you’re bad. They actually want him to end you, because the darkness hates the light. It’s as simple as that.
“Though he may have tried to fight them off, a person can’t do that if you’re drinking or bitter or angry or have resentment in your heart or have no relationship with God. And, Jordan, Peter Perez had no relationship with God. He may have once been a good man, but he had no relationship with God. He had bitterness and resentment in his soul. And then, any rationality left him when he grabbed you that day out by your car. He realized immediately that he’d messed up, because he knew you, even as a child, had already put him in jail once for attempted rape, and he knew you would report him breaking the terms of his probation, and send him back to jail. He knew you would make sure he can’t ever touch you again.
“And all of this happened because when he lost his job, he lost his self-worth, and that’s how Satan gets in and steals away your soul. That’s why we can’t let our worth be attached to things, like our careers, our wealth, our looks, fancy cars, fame. None of those things should determine how we feel about ourselves. Only our connection to God should determine that. If we’re connected to God, through our Savior, then none of those things I just mentioned are important. We know we belong to God, and the joy in knowing that, cannot be destroyed by the loss of our job. We are lights to a world of darkness. You are a light, Jordan, and the demons attached to Peter are trying to put out your light.”
She shook her head. “I don’t know if I’m much of light.”
“I do,” young Eric said. “I saw your light the moment I met you.”
“Jordan,” Grandmaster Kino said softly. “Just the fact that Peter wants to hurt you, to maybe kill you, tells me that your light is bright. When Jesus was walking on the Earth, He came upon a crowd of people and a few of them were demon possessed. And through the mouths of the men they possessed the demons cried out and asked Jesus if He was there to end them. They immediately recognized Him as the Son of God and they were instantly afraid of him. In like manner, the demons attached to your stepfather saw your light, knew you were a daughter of God meant for great things, and used Peter to try to put out your light.”
Grandmaster Kino sighed. “So, I’ll pray for Peter Perez, but what happens to him is between God and him. I’ll pray for him, but I won’t compromise with evil, and we will protect you, and God will protect you and your family. It seems like all of this is complicated. But really, it’s all just a battle between the forces of darkness and forces of light. But don’t worry. The forces of light, being God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Angels of light, and God’s children, like you and me, we’re stronger than the forces of darkness.”
Jordan frowned. “Then, it’s sad, really. Sad that Peter is lost,” Jordan said softly.
“Maybe he’s lost. Like I said, it’s between Him and God. I can’t make that judgement. But I have to say, the compassion you just showed toward a man who is trying to hurt you, that is the light of Christ in you, Jordan. And I’m really honored to have you in our lives.”
Young Eric smiled, and his eyes glowed with the love he felt for his girl.
Excerpt from Book #10 Circle of Life-In Jesus’ Name Part 2
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